Mutts & Mixes Meetup

Urban Hound Dog Park & Bar 4848 Van Dorn Street Suite 1, Lincoln

Everyone loves a mutt! Bring your mutt/mix in for this special event!

Bends & Barks: Dog Yoga at Urban Hound

Urban Hound Dog Park & Bar 4848 Van Dorn Street Suite 1, Lincoln

Get ready to zen out with your furry friends at Bends & Barks, a dog yoga event at Urban Hound Dog Park & Bar! $10 entry fee - Register online […]


SoCal Taco Shop at Urban Hound

Urban Hound Dog Park & Bar 4848 Van Dorn Street Suite 1, Lincoln

Come grab a bite to eat from SoCal while your pups play! SoCal is Nebraska's new home of the Tri Tip taco made with authentic Southern California flavors!

Human Names Meetup

Urban Hound Dog Park & Bar 4848 Van Dorn Street Suite 1, Lincoln

Does your dog have a Human name? This event is just  you!